Contributor Notes: Mega comfort food. Heavily adapted from a Betty Crocker cookbook recipe. Delicious.
Cooking Time: 30 - 40 minutes including all baking time.
Easy Level: 2 out of 10.
Serves: 4
Meat Pie
2 pie crusts
1 pound chopmeat
Half 8 oz. package frozen peas
1 medium yellow onion
3 - 4 medium carrots
Cheddar cheese
1 10 oz. can condensed tomato soup
2 tbsp. all-purpose flour
Salt (I use kosher for seasoning and regular Morton's for salting water and baking. Switch to kosher. Your life will change.)
Pepper (I always use Coarse-Ground Black Pepper. Fresh-ground has a very different flavour that I don't love.)
1 egg
Preheat oven to 425.
Prebake one pie crust for ten minutes at 425 or until golden-brown-ish. MAKE SURE TO PUNCTURE BOTTOM AND SIDES THOROUGHLY WITH A FORK BEFORE BAKING or your pie crust will be full of air bubbles. If you have any when you take pie crust out you can always puncture them with a fork. Place second frozen pie crust on the stove to defrost.
Cut one medium yellow onion in half, halve both halves down the middle, and slice. Put in a pan with a splash of olive oil.
Chop three - four medium size carrots to steam. You need a steamer pot for this; steaming can also be done in the microwave (place vegetables in about 1/4 inch of water and microwave on high until done (5 - 7 minutes)) but if you have a steamer pot please use it.
Cook beef, carrots, and onion at the same time.
- Saute pound of ground beef in a frying pan on high, no oil needed (the beef will provide enough as fat renders). Salt and pepper thoroughly. Cook thoroughly, but if you get impatient and there's a little pink left it'll finish in the oven.
- Steam carrots on high. Ask your mom/dad/tolerant-partner to show you how to use a steamer pot if you don't know. It's ok if carrots still have a little bite to them when they're done.
- Saute onions on medium-high. Salt onions. Once they're translucent and soft you can stop whenever you want. I like mine brown/black, not everyone does.
Put tomato soup in a bowl. Fill can with water (swish it around to get the remains of tomato soup off the sides) and add water to soup. Add flour, salt and pepper to taste, and a pinch of rosemary (crumble leaves in your hand before adding) Whisk together well or else you will have flour clumps in your pie.
Drain meat and onions! Add meat, onions, carrots and peas to tomato soup mixture as well as about half the bag of shredded cheddar. (If grating your own, I'd say close to a cup.). Mix well.
Transfer all to prebaked pie crust. Top with second defrosted pie crust. (Place the tin over the top of the ingredients and peel sides away, it should come away if you've defrosted enough. Ask your mom/dad/etc. to show you how.)
Make an egg wash for the top of the pie. (Separate an egg (youtube it) and use a paintbrush to paint the top of the pie with the egg white. This will make it shiny.)
Bake at 425 for twenty minutes.
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